Miniature Bible put on display in time for guests to read the Christmas story
A library in Leeds, England, has set up a Christmas display with an assortment of holiday classics, but the star of the display is the one-of-a-kind miniature King James Bible.

Pull out your magnifying glass if you have any hope of reading the original Christmas story in a miniature Bible going on display in the U.K.
A teeny, tiny copy of the King James Bible is being placed on display for the public at Leeds Central Library in Leeds, England, news agency SWNS reported.
The Bible, which dates back to approximately 1911, measures 1.9 by 1.3 inches — so small it can comfortably fit in the palm of your hand.
The tiny Bible made headlines during the COVID lockdowns when it was first discovered and "is thought to be one of the smallest examples of its kind anywhere in the world," according to SWNS.
Leeds Central Library is displaying a series of "captivating Christmas classics" alongside the mini text.
"Christmas has been such a central part of many memorable stories for generations now, and it’s so special to gather these items together and bring back some cherished memories for visitors," Rhian Isaac, senior librarian, told SWNS.
"We’re hoping seeing them in person will give visitors a little glimpse into how Christmas has been celebrated in the past and help them to get in the festive spirit, too."
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The free exhibition will also show 19th century editions of Charles Dickens stories, including the holiday classic, "A Christmas Carol."
The library will also be displaying a book of children's Christmas games called "Mince Pies for Christmas," which dates back to 1812.
The book is filled with an assortment of riddles and holiday games that claim "to exercise the ingenuity of all sensible masters and misses," SWNS added.
The book even has markings from the children who once owned the book and played the games during Christmases over 200 years ago.
Additional items on display alongside the Christmas classics include a collection of illustrated Christmas cards and editions of the local newspapers from Christmas in the 1920s.
Fox News Digital reached out to Leeds Central Library for comment.