
How Frank Lloyd Wright Became Frank Lloyd Wright: A Vid...

Frank Lloyd Wright is unlikely to be displaced as the archetype of the genius ar...

Mahatma Gandhi’s List of the Seven Social Sins; or Tips...

Image via Wikimedia Commons In 590 AD, Pope Gregory I unveiled a list of the Sev...

Benedict Cumberbatch Reads a Letter to a Man Blow-Dryin...

We have featured Benedict Cumberbatch reading letters by Kurt Vonnegut, Alan Tur...

When Neapolitans Used to Eat Pasta with Their Bare Hand...

Even if you don’t speak Italian, you can make a decent guess at the meaning of t...

A 1933 Profile of Frida Kahlo: “Wife of the Master Mura...

Walter Keane—supposed painter of “Big Eyed Children” and subject of a 2014 Tim B...

How Erik Satie’s ‘Furniture Music’ Was Designed to Be I...

Imagine how many times someone born in the eighteen-sixties could ever expect to...

Noam Chomsky Defines What It Means to Be a Truly Educat...

There may be no more contentious an issue at the level of local U.S. government ...

Where Do You Put the Camera? Every Frame a Painting Pre...

Whether or not we believe in auteurhood, we each have our own mental image of wh...

Watch an Avant-Garde Bauhaus Ballet in Brilliant Color,...

We credit the Bauhaus school, founded by German architect Walter Gropius in 1919...

Watch 950 Weather Reports Presented by David Lynch, Str...

Los Angeles is hardly a city known for its varied weather, but if one lives ther...

The Oldest Beer Receipt (Circa 2050 BC)

Above, we have the Alulu Beer Receipt. Written in cuneiform on an old clay table...

Revisit Pop-Up Video: The VH1 Series That Reinvented Mu...

In the eighties, people lamented the attention-span-shortening “MTV-ization” of ...

Download a 417-Megapixel Panorama of the Andromeda Gala...

Using the Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers have created a majestic 417-megapi...

The Story of How Quentin Tarantino Became a Filmmaker a...

For a film, explained a young Quentin Tarantino in one interview, “the real test...

Fred Armisen & Bill Hader’s Comedic Take on the History...

During their days filming Documentary Now!, a mockumentary series that aired on ...

Why David Lynch’s Dune Went Wrong: A Comparison with De...

Denis Villeneuve’s recent film adaptation of Dune is generally considered to be ...

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